Truly, Madly, Deeply

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, love is on everyone’s mind; especially those who are unhappy or unlucky in love. Love is such a powerful thing! So powerful that it can dictate how you feel about yourself and the world around you.

I recently read that the phenomenon of being “love sick” is an actual diagnosis! Yes, there are some negative side effects: change in appetite, insomnia, dizziness, and confusion (sounds like a commercial listing the side effects for some kind of new drug). But of course with every negative comes a positive. More

Are You Ready For Love?

Author Unknown

A good relationship isn’t a game you play or an ego trip you take. It is about love and two people. Loving someone can give us the greatest joy we can ever know and it can hurt more than we can believe too. When it does not really hurt when that person did something disappointing to you, but really hurts when you see that person in pain and sadness, then you know you truly love that person. 

Loving someone means you should be ready to experience heartache and happiness at the same time. That’s the reward and that’s the risk. Unless we are willing to experience it, we will never really know what it’s like to love and be loved. 
